Category: Pet sitters

How to Prevent Loneliness in Your Pets

Beagle dog lying on carpet in cozy home

Animals experience loneliness just as humans do. And just like in the case of loneliness in humans, pets can develop some troubling physical symptoms in addition to general psychological melancholy. Detecting pet loneliness can be difficult, as it’s easily confused with typical pet tantrums. The key difference between a normal spat of poor behavior and… Read more »

Pet Sitting vs. Pet Boarding

Pet Sitting vs. Pet Boarding

Whether you are going on a business trip for a few days or taking a vacation for two weeks, your mind is never far from your furry friend. But the burning question that plagues most pet owners is whether to leave their pet with a sitter or send them to a boarding facility. Pet Sitting… Read more »

Should I Send My Dog to Doggy Day Care?

Should I Send My Dog to Doggy Day Care?

Doggy Day Care centers have been lauded as the be-all and end-all for behavioral problems. From destruction of property to mild separation anxiety, many people use doggy day care as a way to “fix” bad behavior. However, no one knows your dog better than you do. While some pets find day care beneficial, others can… Read more »

Being A Responsible Pet Owner

February is Responsible Pet Owners Month, which means it is a great time to check in on your pet’s overall wellbeing and make sure that you are doing the best by them. There are a few different ways to be a great per owner. Check out these tips to be the best pet parent possible:… Read more »

Benefits of Pet Ownership

Benefits of Pet Ownership

If you are a proud pet owner, chances are you don’t have to be convinced of how great it is to have your beloved companion.  If you need some more reasons to love and appreciate them, here are a few ways that owning a pet improves our quality of life: Keeps you safe If you… Read more »

Get Help Watching Your Pet During the Holidays

Pet Sitting During the Holidays

It’s that time of year again! The holiday season is upon us, and Thanksgiving is right around the corner to kick things off. Unfortunately, most people often cannot take their pets when they go to visit family out of town, so what can you do if you find yourself in that situation? Just give Hill… Read more »